Thursday, February 2, 2012

NXTs and Sensor Work

So the end of the first semester brings the T-BOTs and the NXT Complex Sensor Machines. The 2011-2012 NXT projects ranged in skill and some had good design, build and most importantly, autonomous functionality. Here is gallery. Enjoy.

working.............................. pictures and 2012 PROP circuit boards coming soon!

Velociraptor- gaurds area and is double speed active in the dark; can chomp on things w/ powered jaw

Gaurd Terminator Tank Bot- attacks things of the color RED and uses 2 controllers w/ communicaiton; also avoids walls

Portal Turret Bot - check this video clip for how real this model prototype was. The students were focused on the motions and sounds being close to the actual game.


Motorcycle Anti-Collision Bot - Drives around and avoid objects/ turns around w/ front steering

Here is a preview of 2012 STEM Robotics Competition student made (from scratch) circuit board: Powered by PROPELLAR, improved heat sinks and airflow (fan), RELAY available for the pneumatix.... this thing is going to power some nice 18lb. to 118lb. machines!